Friday, January 1, 2010

The digital cleanse

It is no secret to those who know me that I love to follow celebrities.  I have a whole list on Twitter of celebrities. I follow them for entertainment purposes only. I don't tend to "follow" what they say to do until this past New Year's Eve when I saw a post from John Mayer asking people to take the digital cleanse with him. I was intrigued so I went to his blog and read the rules. The guidelines were as follows:


*email only from laptop or desktop computers
*cell phones can only be used to make calls, and no text messages or e-mails are allowed - if you receive a text, you must reply in voice over the phone. E-mails must be returned from a laptop or desktop computer.
*no use of Twitter or any other social networking site - this includes reading as well as posting.

*no visiting of any entertainment or gossip sites.
It started today at 9AM and will commence on January 8th at 9AM. I have decided to blog during my detox...
Day 1
I got up at 8:50 which meant I only had 10 minutes to post my final tweet for the week. I got online, wished everyone a Happy New Year and told them about my digital cleanse.... I didn't stick around for the responses because it was already 9AM. I pretty much stay on my social media sites all day - so this was a new experience for me. I was tired and had some cleaning up from last night's festivities so I was pretty busy. It was easy. I realized that I was curious if there were any comments about my impending disappearance. I have to admit, I cheated and just checked my @replies on Twitter (clearly against the rules). For me, this was a good thing because instead of support, I saw a lot of nay saying. I wonder... would people say this stuff if I was doing a colon cleanse? A spiritual cleanse? I am extremely determined now to do this.

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